Our sensory organs tell us that our body is solid and permanent. In reality, however, our body changes permanently, like the currents of a river.
Upon taking a breath, over atoms arrive into our body, they are incorporated
into our cells, and the same amount leaves our body when we breathe out. 98% of
the atoms of our body is replaced in a period shorter than a year: the liver is
completely renewed in 6 weeks, the skin in days, the bones are fully replaced
in 3 months, and the DNA is renewed in 6 weeks. The atoms of
your body as it existed a year ago are now all outside of your present body: in
the atmosphere, in the soil or incorporated into other living organisms, grass
and trees... that is how the entire planet recycles itself in a perpetual cycle.
We live in close interconnection and interaction with all other things,
everything is in the state of a constant change and transformation.
The only
permanent thing is change. We still tend to experience the permanence of our
Self.. Is it possible that we are not identical with our body?