In reality, there is nothing else than the present moment – up until
eternity. And the present moment is not a sequence made up of many tiny time
units, but a moment of constantly existing now.
Only the moment of endless present exists.
The past is only a dead memory,
which was also now, the “present
moment”, when it happened. The future is just a trick of the mind, a
visualization, a projection of desires and fears – and the mind does it in the
current moment: now.
The only reality, in which everything is
happening: the moment of present. Nothing ever happened in the “past” and does not happen in the future,
only now.
existing thing exists now. We see the flashbacks of the past and the
created images of the future now, in the present moment. This
is why we embrace the present moment. Because everything takes place in this
infinite “now”. Everything that has ever been is compressed into this present
I am here
because of what my thoughts had been in the “past”, and how I made my decisions
following my thoughts, which option I picked out of the endless possibilities.
It was not really “me” who made these decisions, more like my thoughts and
beliefs. They determined my words and actions. My free will somehow
Here I am
now, in this life stage, which is the consequence of my thoughts and actions
throughout the past. My all time consciousness level controlled my choices, my
fate and the story of my life.
possibilities are also now: they are happening right now. The forms of the
world are flowing around you now, the events are taking place in the world
right now. Not in the past, not in the future, now.
The past is
getting more distant, and the future never comes. “Tomorrow” will always be
tomorrow – in an imagined future. We have what we have now, today. You can be conscious today and
you can live your life today. Otherwise – if you live your life in the world of
your fears and worries – you will end up as a half-dead person waiting in the
hall of life to gain entry.
flow together with forms, and if you join this flow, then you may meet these
opportunities somewhere. Just swim and let the events unfold around you, find
each other and unite.
face a choice every single minute: you remain conscious and participate
joyfully in the flow of life, or you retreat to the problems and sufferings of
your self-made personality, only to feel miserable.
Somehow we
always tend to choose the hell of our sufferings. Is this not strange?
We are
longing for success, but we repel it with our confused, conflicting thoughts.
We have aims, but when we get the chance to do something to reach them, doubts
emerge, or we are already enjoying the profit of the undone work ahead.
We need
something else to flow joyfully with life.
alert, observing, attentive consciousness. When no contradicting thoughts fight
in the clear space of the mind, but it is crystal clear what we have to do. I
do not get lost in the confusing thought-clusters, the space of my
consciousness is brightly enlightened by a vision.
I know I am
I know I am
alive and I let myself blossom. Because a human being also blossoms, just like
a flower of sensational beauty develops from a seed.
I consciously
participate in the flow of life: I swim in it and with it.
The wisest
decision you can make: to completely embrace the present moment.
And if you
do this, your body remains relaxed, loose – you let the self-healing forces of
nature work. Your wounds heal faster, your pain goes away sooner, your immune
system is boosted, you can say goodbye to stress – you are happy and healthier.
(Excerpt from the book "Mindfulness Meditation - Journey into Consciousness" by Ervin K. Kery)